Thursday, June 24, 2010

My ideal work

-The photo is the Lo Miranda a village near Rancagua. Place ideal for have my center
My ideal work is to dedicate my life to the rehabilitation, research and education in wildlife. My dream would be to have land near Rancagua, hopefully on a hill, where to install my rehabilitation center.

Even do not know i want to work since even does not know anyone who likes the same thing to me and that live near or who is willing to travel, but that is with the time.

This work would i make more happy, because i love to work outdoors, outsides the city and helping the wildlife to recover, because usually its disorders are due to humans. Besides having a place i would do my research without having to depend on time and infrastructure and to perform other lectures and educational tours for children, teenagers at social risk and people living in rural areas where there is usually lack education about the wildlife. also in this work, the possibility of incorporating my family either in administration or in other task that be can made in a center of rehabilitation.

I would like to contribute on my faculty providing my center of wildlife for the practices, as currently only in the Cajon del Maipo practices can be done and very few quotas and research contributes in a major way in the skills taught in the carrer.

With the times and the boss have not problem as it would be i who would have my schedule and somehow would manage the center, akthough this type of work entails a one hundred percent availability. because tha animal need feed, care and there that be attentive for any emergency, but when you do what you like nothing is a sacrifice.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Animal Conduct

My favorite subject is Animal Conduct is very interesting, the professor of the subject is Rigoberto Solis.
Animal conduct as it says on animal behavior, here we are taugth with examples of factors (motivation, endocrinology, ontogeny, stimulation, etc.) that characterize and determine the actions of animals. these and other interesting subject are those who question my favorite subject.

Personally i like this subject because in the know and learn a lot about animals and their habits, as they explain each topic with many examples of animals and most of the times are wild animals, which is what i like to me for example, insects that cheat with spectacular strategies, until topics raw as infanticide in lions.

Also i like because of the many things of the bunch that i already knew and now i have understood better, as the behavior of birds in relation to courtship, experiments that sometimes there are very nice for the animals but let us know and help them.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jane Goodall, was a pioneering English primatologist. she was born on april 3, 1934, in London, England. Jane always dreamed with go at Africa. In 1959 she travel at Africa, there paticipate in an invetigation.
In 1960 Goodall begin at work in Gombe National Park in southeastern Africa. from that day until now, she continued to work for the welfar of the chimpanzees. In 2000 Jane recived the third Gandhi-king Awards for non violence at the United Nations.

-Goodall has dedicated her life at protect the chimpanzees and other animals
-she helped found the committee for the conservation and care of chimpanzees.
-Jane study the conduct of the chimpanzee,she achieved characteriza as anyone at this primate.
-she was witness of a conduct unknown of the chimpanzee, this is the war between sides opposite, where died many. This changes the concept of that the chimpanzee are peaceful.

I like, because...
I admire at Jane Goodall, because i like the chimpanzee and my dream is travel at Africa for help at the conservation of this beautiful animals. Also admire of she, that she strove much for comply your dream, as without money and studies, Jane has achieved more of the that many people think.

Friday, May 14, 2010

I study veterinary because i like the animals, i prefer wild animals. my dream is work in CODEF or in other rehabilitation center.
I thought that of the career was more easy, but not it is. I suffer with several subjects, for example:
biochemestry, anatomy, chemestry, mathematics, biostatistics. For my very hard.
The university is beautiful, i like the farm word is a place more relax. besides have more green area.
I dont like the sector where is it, is very dangerous, but the come the university is other word.
Is very good that in this faculty only be the career of veterinary, because we like the animals, althougt not all study veterinary for same reasons, some study for that love the animal in general, other for specific animal.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

i love this video