Friday, May 14, 2010

I study veterinary because i like the animals, i prefer wild animals. my dream is work in CODEF or in other rehabilitation center.
I thought that of the career was more easy, but not it is. I suffer with several subjects, for example:
biochemestry, anatomy, chemestry, mathematics, biostatistics. For my very hard.
The university is beautiful, i like the farm word is a place more relax. besides have more green area.
I dont like the sector where is it, is very dangerous, but the come the university is other word.
Is very good that in this faculty only be the career of veterinary, because we like the animals, althougt not all study veterinary for same reasons, some study for that love the animal in general, other for specific animal.


Dankoch said...

WOW, nice goals, keep going and good luck =)

Pablo Fueyo Musso said...

hi! the career is hard, difficult, but if you realy love the animal you will find the force to defeat biochemestry ,anatomy and another ones :)

Miss said...

I study veterinary because i like the animals, i prefer wild animals. my dream is ^ work in CODEF or in other rehabilitation center.
I thought that of the career was WW more easy, but WO not it is. I suffer with several subjects, for example:
biochemestry, anatomy, chemestry, mathematics, biostatistics. For WW my very hard.WF relax. besides have more green area.
I dont like the sector whereWO is it, is very dangerous, but the come the university is WW other word.
^ Is very good that in this faculty only be the career of veterinary, because we like the animals, althougt not all study veterinary for same reasons, some study for that love the animal in general, other for specific animal.

well done! I'm glad you're happy in the faculty...
check the corrections

Paz Ortiz said...

Hi Carol!

I think that all us we love the animals and we want to become in a great veterinarian!
See you in the faculty!

Good luck!

Camila Molina said...

I too like this faculty, is very beautiful and has many green areas is... nice.

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