Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jane Goodall, was a pioneering English primatologist. she was born on april 3, 1934, in London, England. Jane always dreamed with go at Africa. In 1959 she travel at Africa, there paticipate in an invetigation.
In 1960 Goodall begin at work in Gombe National Park in southeastern Africa. from that day until now, she continued to work for the welfar of the chimpanzees. In 2000 Jane recived the third Gandhi-king Awards for non violence at the United Nations.

-Goodall has dedicated her life at protect the chimpanzees and other animals
-she helped found the committee for the conservation and care of chimpanzees.
-Jane study the conduct of the chimpanzee,she achieved characteriza as anyone at this primate.
-she was witness of a conduct unknown of the chimpanzee, this is the war between sides opposite, where died many. This changes the concept of that the chimpanzee are peaceful.

I like, because...
I admire at Jane Goodall, because i like the chimpanzee and my dream is travel at Africa for help at the conservation of this beautiful animals. Also admire of she, that she strove much for comply your dream, as without money and studies, Jane has achieved more of the that many people think.


MªJosé Negrete Mura said...

I would like to ever have contact with primates as she.
Bye Carol.

Camila Molina said...

She is a woman with a life very admirable.

Miss said...

Jane Goodall, was a pioneering English primatologist. she was born on april 3, 1934, in London, England. Jane always dreamed with WF go at Africa. In 1959 she TENSE travel at Africa, there TENSE paticipate in an invetigation.
In 1960 Goodall TENSE begin at work in Gombe National Park in southeastern Africa. from that day until now, she continued to work for the SP welfar of the chimpanzees. In 2000 Jane recived the third Gandhi-king Awards for non violence at the United Nations.

-Goodall has dedicated her life at protect the chimpanzees and other animals
-she helped found the committee for the conservation and care of chimpanzees.
-Jane study the conduct of the chimpanzee,she achieved characteriza as anyone at this primate.
-she was witness of a conduct unknown of the chimpanzee, this is the war between sides opposite, where died many. This changes the concept of that the chimpanzee are peaceful.

I like, because...
I admire at Jane Goodall, because i like the chimpanzee and my dream is ^ travel at Africa for WF help at the conservation of this beautiful animals. Also admire of WF she, that she ? strove much for comply your dream, as without money and studies, Jane has achieved more of the that many people think.

very interesting person... did you see the movie?

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